It is NOT 4-month-old squeals. Are you sure you want to delete your discussion? Actually so does my partner. It started last night when we had company over. Other babies seem active from the first day of life and demand a lot of attention. She is usually such a happy smiley baby … First she sounded really upset and it was worrying (was it the reflux back again?!) Baby High pitched scream: I was just wondering if anyone else has a baby who does a high pitched scream (for no reason)? Like if she wants the remote control or anything she is not supposed to have on the table, or really if she wants anything. As far as the simian crease goes my brother in laws have husband is 1 of 10 children the oldest has downs he is 25 and has the simian crease 2 other brothers also have the simian crease one is 9 and one is 4 both if whom are perfectly normal! It's normal for babies to make different sounds. :-) Before you know, it will be gone, maybe to never come back. it can only be done one step at a time.. that said, id bring in the new recording to the lady you showed it to AND your regular pediatrician. Hope it doesn’t last. my son!! - BabyCenter Australia. Good luck! This action cannot be undone. My 4-month-old daughter is screeching. Baby is not being himself. She does it when she’s happy, excited, mad, tired or bored – in other words: all of the time. it is pretty much complete except for a little break. She would be smiling and happy one minute, crying uncontrollably the next. My little girl is six months old and has been making a really high pitch squealing noises for about two months. I love it! Why is my baby screeching out loud and very loud? recently he started to make a high pitched sound, which worried me because in the 'after your baby has his shots' print out it is one of the things to look for. Virus baby’s ‘high-pitched scream’ 3 weeks ago. 1,910 Views. My 5-month-old has been screeching for about 1 1/2 months now and I love it. Your daughter has learned she has a voice and can express herself through making screeching noises. My 4 month old baby is developing normally and sleeps and feeds pretty well. he is alert, smiley and developing well. I can’t take it. However, over the past week she will not let me out of her sight. My son does the same thing, he will screech and scream and then start laughing. She does mix it up with other pleasant baby babbles, so I’m crossing my fingers. High pitched squeel/ scream: my son just started this high pitched scream sound. Especially for my husband who has very sensitive ears..guess we are going to have to start wearing ear plugs! Sorry I don't know anything about the screaming...could it be from the reflux? Anything similar? In a few years, you can show the video to your girl and laugh together about how she even scared the dog, training her voice. Should I be worried. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). the line is a softmarker and means nothing without other symptoms. anyone else with a lo who suddenly started making g a different sound? he doesn't do it all the time..sorry for long ramble. My daughter is 7 months and 8 days old and will screech for hours on end. Create an account or log in to participate. She doesn't have a temperature and I feel no teeth coming through. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. How do you handle the scream in public? recently he started to make a high pitched sound, which worried me because in the 'after your baby has his shots' print out it is one of the things to look for. He only seems to want cuddles. My dd shrieks/screams all the caries from whinney to excited to anxious...I think it is just a way of expressing themselves. Unless your Lo seems in pain, I wouldn't worry about a change in sound like that. How do we stop this??? Most babies have a "fussy time," usually in the late afternoon or early evening. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Well I think most of them do grow out of it but there are always exceptions, ie. My daughter was born with a hardcore absolute simian line on her right hand and she is perfect as can be! He was 4 in February and still makes that high pitched, piercing shriek now and then, especially when he is excited and hyper about something - it is horrendous and makes me want to chew my ears off. Secondly, my Lo has had reflux too which was well controlled with Zantac (until recently when we weaned her of of it). I went through all the work of creating a profile just to respond to your post! she sort if bavktracked when I asked what it meant and told me not to worry. If a child's ears are throbbing from an infection, his screams and pulls on his ears alert the parent something is wrong. he has a partial simian line on his left hand. It is the worst noise, my husband and I both have headaches by the end of the night and even our three years old complains about her noise!! We get genetic tests back next week.. If you find the sound unbearable, try playing games with your daughter, to stimulate other sounds. Crying and screeching are the baby’s first form of communication. And the expectant look on his face when he reaches new levels of noise and pitch to see how we react and respond. Due to her ELBW/prematurity and a small VSD, genectics did karyotyping while she was in the NICU. Apparently kids shriek for a number of different reasons, but generally speaking, children tend to scream while playing.