1. Don’t allow this to put you off getting a 5 gallon tank because you think he will be lonely – they are not a social species and will keep themselves separate from other fish in larger aquariums anyway.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_19',119,'0','0'])); Instead of adding fish we recommend stocking the tank with some live plants for your Betta, like Amazonian Sword Plants or some Java Fern. Enjoying the same pH and temperature range, feeder guppies are also very resilient fish. Kuhli loaches mind their own business, love to eat brine shrimp and need at least 20-gallons to be happy. I didn’t do everything you said to do yet, due to no money yet. The answer: it isn’t easy. In prolonged periods of darkness, you may witness their red stripe fade or disappear completely. The answer is yes – if the fish, frog or snail is the right kind of tank mate. He also gets commercial Betta flakes but obviously prefers the worms, and, jerking that little wiggly thing from my fingers makes him feel all macho & “flarey”…..little fishy-BIG STUFF!! Just know, all bettas and tank mates can react differently. Many betta keepers decide to explore other fish that can live with bettas because their fish appears bored, or because they want to liven up their tank. I tend to concur about the already heavy population in your 15 gal aquarium, but I also know that over-stocked tanks can be fine, well managed & healthy, in the hands of a highly motivated, conscientious and committed owner. It’s so cute, but again every fish is different and have different personalities, you could try it but make sure to watch them and be prepared for any aggression they might show. Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. 2.5-gallons is the recommended minimum size for just a betta fish by his or herself. I had recently gotten 4 females. This may include lack of appetite, visible wounds (e.g. The tank is 10 gallons. Ghost shrimp is terrible tank mate. We hope we have provided you with some suitable choices and convinced you to try Siamese fighting fish in a community tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_31',123,'0','0'])); What is your favorite Betta tank mate? Slow swimming fish are also not advisable as it’s likely they will be attacked. Level: Beginner A long narrow tank is recommended for plenty of horizontal swimming space. If not, what would you suggest? Average Lifespans. I have gravel bottom, a small area with sand, and 3moss balls and several hiding spots / caves. Never a problem. When setting up an aquarium to house both Bettas and other species, it is best to add the other fish first to allow them to establish their set territories for a few weeks prior to adding the Betta. Level: Beginner What snails, plants, and possibly shrimp do you recommend? That wont stop them from laying eggs all over everything. You may worry that any other fish it encounters will be in danger. Plus, they don’t reproduce asexually like some snails which can cause an invasion. A lot of people keep them with betta fish, and I find that betta fish screw with these fish a lot. For filter recommendations check out the article in the FAQ section. I wouldn’t place the tank anywhere near direct sunlight. You’ll love watching them navigate around the tank, using their siphon for air at the surface, and watching their tentacles meander around. A 10 gallon aquarium will provide plenty of space to add other fish with your Betta.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_17',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',120,'0','1'])); It should be set up in a way that will provide enough hiding spaces for the tank mates. Tank Size: 5-Gallons or More. However, we are here to introduce to you maybe one of the most unusual pets out there! The aggression is not as severe as when they are in the wild unless the breeding season is near. As waste breaks down it turns into contaminants like ammonia which can increase the pH of your tank’s water. While companions aren’t required, they can add extra viewing pleasure and experience in the hobby. These creatures must be large enough so that they do not get eaten by the Betta and small enough that they don’t cause harm to the fish. The tank is too small for a tank mate. If you plan on keeping tank mates with them in a 5-gallon tank then your choices are going to be a little bit limited. You obviously know your betta better than I do. His back fin is split in two now. If so, the water in your tank could contain a disease. This species is also very peaceful, adding an additional quality to coexistence with the betta splenden. I used to keep fish and have found myself wanting to get back to it. Your betta may nip at … Tank Size: 20-Gallons or More. Because of this, you should still choose the tank mates wisely. Ghost shrimp are easy to care for, inexpensive, and they are scavengers who will scour your tank looking for excess food to eat off the substrate. Females can coexist together as tank companions in a sorority. The caveat here is when the water is too cold from not being heated or as a betta gets older they will become more lethargic in their activity levels. Snails like to hide and can create a big mess too in smaller tanks. I have a 5 gallon with plants, plus a male betta, African dwarf frog and a Mexican dwarf lobster, and everyone is living in harmony, Also looking to add a few neon tetras soon. You might also want to include some artificial plants – just make sure you choose soft silk ones rather than heavy plastic plants as they can damage their fins. Or do they nip the tails? Female bettas are also aggressive, territorial, and unpredictable at times so it’s important to monitor behavior and provide plenty of hiding spots. So I put her back in her tank. Yes, you can turn off the filter while you feed Taz. If you’re lucky you’ll even witness them shed their skin, (every 1-2 weeks) which is a speedy process that ends with the frog eating it. There are many betta fish tank mates or companions that can live with male or female bettas under the right conditions. My betta tank is at 78 degrees, some people keep them at 80. I find mixed answers on the latter. Therefore, you may be okay with 6 tetras, the snail, and the betta. That’s wild! I won’t get into the further implications or opinions I have on some of the ways that pet stores care for animals or fish, but while you see a lot of fish in one tank, you also aren’t being told how many are sickly, dying per week or stressed out. Hey ive had a male beta fish for about two months. The Betta is a fish with lots of vibrant colors so when selecting tank mates to keep with male bettas or female bettas in a community, you’ll want to provide Fish that are not aggressive and don’t have any long fins or colors that may intimidate the males. African dwarf frogs are excellent betta tank mates too because of their peaceful personalities. We would not recommend that a Betta is kept with any other fish species in a tank this small. So I have a 10-gallon and I’m looking into getting my koi female Betta some tankmates what are some suggestions for her that won’t fight with her or vice-versa and still be easy to maintain the tank. I have a 20 gal Long that houses an Axolotl salamander, a 5.5 gal with a Crowntail Betta & to maintain a constant (& affordable) food supply for the Axolotl, I also keep a worm farm. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. The fish you choose should meet the same criteria as described earlier. Guppies are also content living on their own, so adding one as a tank mate is easier than schooling fish. I currently have a 3 gallon plastic bowl. Another snail I really like is the black racer snail. Each betta fish has a unique personality and temperament. Thanks for the additional information. The answer depends on the size of the habitat and how it is set up. Yes, they can, as long as you provide the right environment for both. I plan to set up a betta tank in the future its 10 gallons and i do want to plant it. They are faster than apple/mystery snails and tend to be hardier and live longer. Cat Sharks are a diverse group that includes many different species from [Continue reading …]. They are long, shaped like eels, and love to disappear into tiny crevices. ( has 2 mollies, 5 swordtails, 2 platies, 10 + or – neons, 4 red eye tetras, 4 Cory cats, an algae eater and a large pleco that’s around a foot long) can I put them together or do I need to start another tank? I always feel sad that most pet stores rarely have betas in a tank so people think they only need that sad little bowl, with me they get a tank with dual filtration and lots of plants and other members of the community. (It is a male Velitail Betta.). They also need brackish water for viable offspring. As for the reproduction, avoid any snails that reproduce on their own (don’t need a mate – asexually). Therefore, a filter is necessary for a community tank. Color: Green While this is true for the most part, there have been some success stories with keeping bettas with small invertebrates, like dwarf crayfish. Fancy guppies are not a good tank mate because of their long fins and coloring. Even if you do everything right, there’s no guarantee your betta won’t become an aggressor or a victim. If you want to get more than one than make sure that they are females (they are also a bit smaller) as the males need to have enough room to establish their territory. They should be kept in small shoals of six or more, and they’ll spend most of their time on the bottom, out of your betta’s way. Ghost shrimp should be kept in pairs of 2-4 or more. Non-fish inhabitants like Snails, Shrimp and Frogs would also work well in an aquarium of this size.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_20',121,'0','0'])); Perhaps you do not want to include any other fish species in your Betta tank, and instead you are looking for non-fish inhabitants. If you have the WCMM at the upper end of their temperature range, and the bettas at the lower tolerance of theirs, neither of the fishes are going to be at their best. Go Gary go! And what I was wondering about is, would it be okay to add some (4) ghost shrimps? Scientific Name: Poecilia Reticulata There are many betta fish tank mates or companions that can live with male or female bettas under the right conditions. Not a problem. Level: Beginner-Medium* If yours is very aggressive with its reflection and food etc then I wouldn’t risk it. Also, is the Mystery Snail the only type of snail that’s safe to be with the betta? In [Continue reading …], If you are new to the aquarium hobby, Platy fish are the fish for you. I don’t want to overcrowd the tank, and I have only worked with 1-2 gallons before, so I don’t really want to mess this up. Adults can grow to around 2 inches in size, with an average lifespan of one year. I’ve tried putting a mirror in front of him but they didn’t unclump. The 1-gallon per 1-inch of fish is a general rule of thumb, and is very helpful for beginners to not overcrowd their habitats and induce stress and dirty water. If you want to be extra cautious, you may even look at the pygmy corydoras which are duller in color and only grow up to 1 inch. Because of their aggressive nature, these fish should not be housed with slow moving species with large fins that could easily be mistaken for a Betta too. Known for their fierce reputation of fighting, Bettas, or Siamese fighting fish, can be very territorial. My betta flared at my fancy guppies at first but after a day they were fine. Make sure you follow the checklist above, especially for ample hiding spots and tank size recommendations. Scientific Name: Corydoras In A 2.5 Gallon Tank If your tank size is just 2.5 gallons, Zebra Snails should be your preferred choice as a tank mate for your betta. Cat Shark: The Definitive Care Guide (Species & Tank Setups), The Complete Guide to Vampire Shrimp Care, The Complete Malaysian Trumpet Snail Care Guide, The Ultimate Hermit Crab Care Guide: Habitat, Food And Much More…. Color: Neon Silver-Blue with a Red Neon Stripe If space is an issue, Panda Corys are very small ( and adorable ), and if you’re willing to try something a bit more colorful, Emerald Corys would make a great contrast to a darker Betta ( but these do get quite big ). Scientific Name: Pangio Kuhlii If they swim often but still rest and hide thats normal and happy behavior. I’m not sure if he would be considered aggressive or not…. Very helpful! Zebra Snails are peaceful, and they help to keep the tank clean by eating algae and debris. Betta Fish Tank mates : Betta can be kept with any tropical livestock. All he does is stay at the top of the water and doesn’t swim around. Thank you for a giving me so much good information! Feeder guppies are bred for food for larger fish and don’t have the bright coloring or long fins like the fancy guppy. So choose the tank mates depending on your tank size. I initially wanted a crawfish until I did the research about one, yikes, nothing is going to be safe around those! Color: Grey or Brown and Spotted Plants will also provide shelter for the other species as well as obstructing the Betta’s field of view for certain areas of the tank. Betta Tank Mates: A Complete Guide for Choosing Good Betta Tank Mates When I first started keeping tropical fish, I tried to find good betta tank mates. I am intrigued by the marimo moss balls and Mystery snails. The other places I would ask would give me information but everything they would suggest was way too expensive and I’m on a tight budget. tank with 3 neons for quite some time. I’ve never had this problem with any other fish in my large tank). Yes, depending on your betta’s personality, he or she can peacefully cohabitate with other fish and invertebrates. I just read all of the comments on your site, and I am REALLY wanting a male betta I was gonna put the tank on my desk that is right in front of a big window and I was wondering about a few things: I can’t make the decision to test it out for you, but I don’t recommend it when there are other suitable tank mate options. (Earthworms are easy keepers, cost little to maintain [once set up] & an established population should have worms of every age — a size to suit most any carnivorous tank inhabitant. I wouldn’t suggest a frog though. Their aggressive behavior has been selectively bred for, hence the name “fighting fish”. Fish that school or gather in shoals, if your tank is large enough to contain a nice-sized group (10+). I misread 60L…thought he said 60g. Learn how your comment data is processed. Betta Fish Tank Mates. Dwarf frogs can grow up to 2.5 inches in length and live on average 5 years. 13 Safe and Compatible Betta Fish Tank Mates The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a beautiful, solitary creature that gets quite nippy with other fish. Add lots of plants and other decorations for hideouts. Hi, Thanks for the amazing information on this sight! You’ll get more enjoyment out of them too, as they are a vibrant green. Hello! Color: Pink to Yellow Body with Dark Stripes You’ve done the right thing by separating them, but you cannot keep your betta fish in that small of a habitat for extended periods. How about zebra danios? Remember, you don’t want to overcrowd the tank either. Please check your facts. Misty. This goes on for short periods of time and none of them get harmed. I had two zebra danio fish and one betta in my first 5 gallon aquarium and they got along just fine and still do in my 35 gallon aquarium. Thanks, Robert, Thanks for the notes everyone! What can be added in those small aquarium? What Do Snails Eat: In the Wild and as Pets, Almost like a drop of paint in your tank, these fish come in all colors of the rainbow – they are guaranteed to make your aquarium stand out. Snails don’t get enough credit for being as cool as they are! Hi Daniel, thanks for sharing your experiences with us. My aquarium has been unused for too long and I’m thinking of starting it up again and getting some new fish. Other times the betta chases the neons. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi I’ve never had a tank this small and I’m not sure what to expect. I am fininding this site incredibly helpful. Cleaning frequency depends on the size of the tank you eventually get. They are also relatively easy to care for. The rasbora is a shoaling fish that prefers to live with a school of 5 to 6 in a tank. Did the other tank mates die from illness? If you know that your betta has an aggressive temperament there’s no fish that can live with him. It’s hard for me to give you an answer to that. A video posted by BettaDew (@bettadew) on Apr 21, 2016 at 6:03pm PDT. I had a 50 gallon community tank that housed my beta and several other fish including fancy guppies, the bubble eyed goldfish, etc and they all lived very peacefully. While fancy guppy’s aren’t good tankmates because of their colorful fins, can we use a black moscow guppy as a betta tank mate? The interesting thing about betta is that each fish has its own individual personality. Thank you Misty! He would just flare up and swim around it but not like he use to. Your site provides a wealth of information about bettas. Two male betas will, however, not stay together. Tank Size: 8-gallons or More. Plenty of room, however I would add more than 2 ghost shrimp as they do better in larger groups. Currently my ten gallon tank is cycling (no fish yet, but soon!) You can keep a maximum of 30 female Bettas in a 60 gallon tank. Neon tetras are fascinating to watch as they swim together and navigate about the tank looking for food or safety. Other loaches, such as the clown loach* can grow over a foot so make sure to avoid this variant! They’re not really good tank mates for bettas because I’ve got my halfmoon’s fin nipped by them. Thanks again for all the other great betta info you have here, I like to learn as much as I can! Do you recommend putting a snail into his tank? I’m not sure if I should just unplug the filter overnight and see if it helps or what. Bryan. Disregard my response. This lack of education on behalf of owners leads to what PETA calls, “being sentenced to a … Is a 5 gallon tank big enough to put more than my betta in? What about danios, platies, or female swordtails? I just didn’t know if I something to control the algae on the tank. Kayte, please don’t use distilled water as it has been stripped of all of the valuable nutrients and minerals that are healthy for a betta fish. 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