I am quite sure had this been female students, some twisted minds has seen this as (sexual) harassment. I come from a country that fortunately has a different tradition and takes the personality of the person and all other circumstances into account when judging and giving penalties. Is OCW different from a library in that its selection will always be small and hence there is too much bias/attention towards certain material and teachers? He's not the world's only physics teacher. I wish there were someone on the MIT campus just copying everything we might need to enlighten ourselves such that it no longer served as the self imposed and enforced gateway of knowledge. Don't they realize they could be next in this climate of political correctness and power to the bureaucrats? Yes, maybe this is just MIT's administrations being PC and freaking out, but it's just as easy to assume what this guy did was absolutely unacceptable and traumatic for those victims involved. This is neither good for victim(s) nor offender nor the MIT community nor students worldwide. #184/197 - Why assume that what occurred between Dr. Lewin and these students fell into the category of "clumsy flirting"? One mistake erases the value of life time contributions.. its really sad to see.. #18 Stop the willful ignorance. MIT has in the past intimidated students into silence and let professors continue harassing them and others. I dont understand why this is so difficult for so many of the other commenters to grasp. And hell on earth comes from groups acting against 'deviationists', miscreants, non-believers and the such. i think they are available on youtube and i feel nothing goes off the internet, once it is uploaded. Watson was given a sneak peak, and within about 2 months he and Crick had a full blown model of DNA. - 123/124, 129, 196, 209/210, 219, 238, 249, 250, 256, 258, 260, 267. I met him and I am pretty sure that there are people envious of his success and invented this story to discredit him, He was set up because his voice started to be important in the World. Professor Walter Lewin, who teaches an introductory physics course at MIT, has become an internet celebrity thank to … #237 Yeah, let's stop free speech, at least the free speech of the people you don't agree with. Nothing can be really deleted from the internet - it just doesn't work that way. Thanks for taking the time to clarify your background and point of view. If so, I absolutely agree with you. In some "social justice" circles, it's quite totalitarian: pointing out a fact or disagreeing with a political idea is grounds for exclusion. This baseless speculation on what actually happened between WL and the woman is leading to useless and absurd conclusions. (a) Recently two members of Z squirted lighter fluid up a white girl's nose and set her aflame, killing her. Discounting of anything Lewin might have done is the result of a nanometer scale hurdle MIT set for declaring something sexual harassment. Should we discard our transistor-laden electronics and renounce our DNA? So, we still have it better, although, human nature being what it is, the main principle stays the same. In one of his videos, prof. Lewin beat a guy with cat fur and in another one a male student had to lie down on a desk to be measured. I do hope MIT locates all pictures of Prof Lewin in all of its archives, and any verbal mention of him in any of its documents, and removes them all. Any hint of imagined impropriety towards someone without a Y chromosome leads to panic mode. I did not read #235 as comparing Dr. Lewin to a pedophile but rather trying to make the point that many people have a public face and a private face. To those blaming MIT for removing the videos and calling it 'just PR bs' - what would you have them do? The question is not when MIT will bring back the Lewin lectures, the question is when will MIT replace its online physics classes with new versions that don't promote someone who has used the fame and access MIT provided him to act as a sexual predator. Very true. As a graduate of MIT and a woman professor, I support MITs efforts to stamp out sexual harassment on campus in any form. I am pursuing my phd in infectious disease control program design, simulation, validation optimization. None of you know what they based their decision on. Now why would they act illogically? Are they scholarly works or always mere dishrags that serve a function and need not be archived and made available to posterity? Under the circumstances, I felt like I had no choice; I meekly removed the image from my login config, finished up my thesis, and graduated. And for what? Is MIT going to take action in the Bitran case? I appreciate your opinion, but you've proven my original point and I don't think it is necessary for me to engage any longer. Cut off all communications. 6. No one died, no one got physically or mentally abused. While I understand the "political" move, remove that material will harm a lot more. Does anyone care to comment on 8.02 in the Spring of 1976. Because in Asia (well, certainly in my home country) independent thinking is not encouraged because individualism is not encouraged. It is plausible to me that someone tweeted something sexual to him as a joke, possibly using a throwaway twitter account, and he did not understand either that (a) twitter is not private (also clear in that these tweets are still up after a two-month investigation...) and/or (b) that the person was joking/being obnoxious and it was not appropriate for him to respond in kind. Could someone have hacked his twitter account? The more things change the more they stay the same. Ever heard of the grandpa who says some inappropriate words at the dinner table? Search this site: Humanities. I am a victim here. (cont'd from #184) How about instead of lining the pocketbooks of nanny campus administrators we each pay $50k/year for, we shift the focus to learning how to behave fairly and respectfully to each other? 6. Her lectures mirrored Walter Lewin's MIT physics lectures on YouTube. I'm Professor ShmakovaSubmit a Correction. I hope the administration learns from this and takes corrective action. MIT recognizes the fact that they must continue to uphold this defining characteristic for the sake of children in generations to come. She sat on her famous photo 51 for about 8 months, going basically nowhere with it. The humiliating and painful way that Professor Lewin has been treated in addition to the absurd decision to take down his classes is a disgrace. This is the most idiotic response I can imagine from MIT. I was immediately impressed by how the professors turned the difficult concepts into something easier to follow. I keep hoping that MIT has overreacted and will rethink things and undo some of the sanctions. I'm not a lawyer, but a defamation lawsuit may be a good way. To the posters who mentioned the twitter logs - it looks like the walter_lewin twitter account is no longer up. For the past decade I've been a volunteer data analyst /or advocate for various public health issues including: Ebola West Africa epidemic, domestic/partner sexual violence, HIV, and more. I cannot believe that with all of his brilliance, he thought he could get away with harassing students online. Those of you responding this way: Understand that you're part of the problem. Veritably, it seems we must spend our energy appeasing women and getting credentials, not building a strong community. with a study of gender attitudes amongst its own student body. How do you even sexually harass someone in an online class? Stupid question here: how long did it take you to master drawing a dotted line with chalk the way you do? But with no information as to the specifics of exactly what the investigation discovered, it's impossible to say: there's this story in The Tech, and the News Office pointed me to the press release, but that's it. Lewin is not the victim here. Are they a library of teaching materials or a retail shop sporting only the latest in-fashion course-wares? According to http://web.mit.edu/policies/9/9.5.html, MIT defines sexual harassment as: "Sexual harassment may take many forms. As person #5 commented Lewin is now 78 year old, and all the so-called harm was done on-line. Does anyone know if this kind of erasure, turning someone into an un-person, has become typical of university policy in the USA whenever a professor is censured? Putting an end to this status quo is a significant and bold step towards equality and equal access of STEM education to women. I condemn Prof Lewin no strike that sexual deviant Walter Lewin to the grave. Thank-you to all of the great teachers. What he choses to do with that is his own business. I see this is politically incorrect and empathize with the emotional distress the various comments have caused. BUT, assuming that he did not live his entire life like this in terms of harassing behavior, what if it's the start of dementia? Where do Feynman lectures fit in all this? No one cares about your SAT scores once you get out into the real world. You cannot pass judgment on someone because of the punishment that MIT has dealt due to the violation of its own policies. The Tech has provided quite a forum for this and it should be. 5 responses to “ Professor Walter Lewin – Best Way To Learn College Physics ” Kissie | 08/01/2009 at 8:51 pm | Okay, you know when I go down the aisle of the library and my bookstore of choice, I won’t come across something as engaging. The tweets were public and will come out eventually. He's almost 80. If it was an isolated incident, he would have likely been asked to no longer interact with students and the matter would have been settled quietly. I'll note a few things: (1) I do not mean "relationship issues" are as bad as "sexual harassment," so let me make a better argument: (a) I think relationships get rocky from time to time (mine did, for a brief period), so I don't think it should be illegal for emotional pain to occur in a relationship. Professor Lewin certainly couldn't be classified as safe or respectful. Ah, yes, MIT gets more money from the Feds because, they showed that they could somehow produce harassment, charges against a "star." I will totally give you all of your videos back now, so that you can watch them and continue to add to the world's supply of entitled persons who also possibly even know some physics. I am shocked to see the degree with which academic hero worship can blind people to the obvious. This online harassment issue would never have a stripped him of his professor emeritus title if there had not been a history...which did exist. Do we burn Ezra Pounds poetry because he was an anti-Semite? Press J to jump to the feed. Your ideology did, by promoting drunken hook-ups and censoring honest discussion about sex harassment/assault. We don't learn by ourselves. Look at what speaking out brings. #257 - Clearly I should have qualified my statement by saying "some narcissistic heterosexual men". PRACTICE - and give some easy examples in which you change the notation without changing the question. 1. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Ban heterosexual men from them? If she didn't need therapy before, she will need it now. Moreover, how scary can this 78 old guy be? The other issue is the course text and problems itself. So the analogy to bookburning is appropriate. It worked for Arnold in the new Terminator movies. - 123/124, 129, 196, 209/210, 219, 238, 249, 250, 256, 258, #259 - "I apologize for assuming you come from the US, a country that I once admired,". The level of vitriol in the other critical comments regarding this relatively minor aspect of the decision is clearly not supported by any real concern for the ability of the poor little children to learn physics. However, it appears that in the case of Walter Lewin, any clear perspective on the situation has been totally lost. picture 10. For the Love of Physics picture. The move was politically motivated, an effort to reduce fallout from the scandal. You falsely accuse people of blaming women. I'm not sure what you mean by "singular point of view." Sincere congratulations to Walter Lewin: his sincerity and passion as a teacher and the love of his subject are palpable even across the internet. You know most of the faculty did not. Beloved MIT professor Walter Lewin, whose riveting physics lectures have made him a YouTube super-star, offers a mind-opening and delightful journey through the most intriguing discoveries in physics. I wish more women would be as brave as this woman. Are the museums and churches that keep their works displayed condoning adultery and murder? I was merely reporting on how MIT views the case: there was a professor-student relation between WL and the woman who complained. I've been around people who say sexually inappropriate things in the workplace, though it was actually females who did it. There is something on a computer called an off switch and a delete button. There are many unknowns; all we see is a claim of "online sexual harassment." Petitioning a regime asking them to halt the activity has had a historically poor success rate. Not even Hitler's actions would justify burning his artwork. My father, a fellow renowned Dutch astrophysicist, has known Walter longer than anyone here. (He certainly wouldn't be the first man of renown to do so and get caught out later.). It would, however, serve the many students at MIT itself and throughout the world who have come to rely on Professor Lewins clear articulation of the complexities of physics. [1] Notice the contradiction with (8) and the overwhelming bulk of ancient wisdom. Moreover, the videos exist elsewhere, hosted by other people; they are not the be all and end all of learning physics; and MIT is still leaps and bounds beyond any other institution in providing free education. women tend to automatically assume they are treated the way they are, because they are women, but it might be they are just treated equally like their male counterparts. I hope the 10 commandments I gave were not too redundant. Once upon a time there was Spanish Inquisition. None of those ranting about oversensitive women seem to have any imagination about the range of forms sexual harassment can take - including long term emotional pressure of various damaging kinds. From back in the day when MIT was 10 female. My dad worked in business in the US for many years and I think at times had nostalgia for home but when he finally got to go home and work there for a few years he complained that his staff were not nearly as creative as his American staff. Not being a man myself I guess I have no idea how narcissistic heterosexual men treat other men since I've never been on the receiving end of such attention. In this world where MOOCs are the vector by which universities can touch students worldwide, MIT needs to be conscious that its professors are de facto worldwide ambassadors as well as educators. Does MIT have a love/hate relationship with Lewin, embracing his brilliant teaching and the publicity he has created for the institute, while abhorring his outspoken nature and narcissism? As an educator, I fully support the investigation that occurred after this allegation, however without knowledge of the evidence at hand that MIT used as part of their investigation, speculating that he called a student "honey" would be far from responsible. That said, I do not take MIT's either. #327: Adults? But taking the edX material hostage to Dr. Lewin's personal behavior is a mistake of vision and policy. When I heard about this, my first thought was that perhaps Dr. Lewin has gone a bit senile in his advanced age. My girlfriend was more distressed when I forgot to reply to one of her texts than when some clumsy guy "sexually harassed" her by flirting inappropriately. Special tribunals are organized, to met out punishment in secret, based on compliance with dogma. They'd be unpersoned in a New York minute by the powers-that-be at MIT just for doing their science. To question and discuss the utility of removing the lectures. MIT needs to pull the plug on OpenCourseWare and go back to "ClosedCourseWare." If it was proven that a professional has violated a code of conduct of an institution, their legacy at that institution shouldn't be of any concern to anybody. I may regret saying this but ONLINE sexual harassment can't be that bad. We do not know what happened. The 36 video lectures on Electricity and Magnetism, by Professor Lewin, were recorded on the MIT campus during the Spring of 2002. I understand completely how radio waves work, but how it all gets translated to something perfectly understandable is something that still blows my mind despite knowing the technicals. (b) Similarly, there have been several recent gang rapes of campus women by members of Z (resulting in criminal convictions) that have been mostly unreported by the press. Echo #1 #2's concerns. [4]From memory, some back forth banter, discussing payment with Lewin tweeting to the effect that she would like the payment a lot. It took suffering, wisdom and chance to conceive of Him, man's greatest invention. I have been an astrophysicist in MIT since 1966 and have worked in the field of X-Ray astronomy. Punish Walter Lewin to the fullest extent of the law, but don't punish a hundred thousand kids just to save your image. Even if we were talking about misdirected flirting there is a context where such behavior is not appropriate. I figured that was his goal - to give his students reasons to be interested in the material and remember it, and perhaps to fall in love with it as he did. A mother can't learn in her free time. Education on a global scale will diminish the absurd hatred that exists between races and religions. I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. Yeah, given the circumstances, argue against that, without incriminating yourself. He was downright nasty and very disrespectful to anyone who did not agree with him on any subject. Ik vermoed dat men van een mug een olifant heeft gemaakt. The immense majority of mid-level administrators have no scientific education, even of a rudimentary type, and come from average backgrounds in law, business and marketing. I would like to preface my opinion with my attributes which do not cleanly fit any of the stereotypes idiotically mentioned in some of these comments: 2. Was Dr. Lewin the student's "teacher" in any official capacity? And the problem is that highly educated people can pass a mental status test meant for average people just fine while they have lost much of their impulse control and may even show significant personality changes. I hope that the accusations against Professor Lewin are not true. I bet it isn't any too nice. Let Y = weak men. While perhaps not perfect, that is an action that is easily reversible. The art stands on its own. When harassment occurs, institutions like MIT have to take a stand. Audrey Watters on 25 Jan 2013. read Law and Politics ... “The world’s most popular professor,” MIT’s Walter Lewin, will teach a MOOC — 8.02x … Still, whether or not it's justified firing Lewin, these offenses do not justify taking down the videos and destroying the rest of the course content. Once the facts are revealed, we can judge if the "extreme punishment" is justified. #44, Do all the videos exist somewhere else? with some additional dose of respect and politeness) and are over-sensitive to whatever a male does. in the world, and that appointment was on the basis of RESEARCH--his 450 research articles. Many of them equated the removal of the videos with "book burning.". Some may find what I say difficult to accept, but is the reality I know and that of the many scientists who never want to speak to him again. MIT removes professor’s online lectures after harassment charge. In short, let us know if we need to duplicate all the "free" course materials in case of matters within your control. I am not trying to support the offense, but my point is if the offense has been occurred he could be punished in a logical way. In ancient times, statues were literally de-faced. I seriously doubt that anyone in the administration was proud about having to take action. We rely on the standards MIT upholds to create a mini-universe where students can thrive and excel equally. Why are they more dangerous than a popular book or textbook written by an ostracized author? I am from Pakistan and I was very angry when they banned the youtube for one video. head, and the fact that you are intimately involved with edX/MITx, you can be comforted by the fact that Pontius Pilate was able to spin the story to show that he personally stood up for Jesus despite ultimately having sentenced him to be crucified. Sexual harassment clearly has no place at the Institute (or anywhere else, for that matter), and I have to presume that Prof. Fisher's investigation was as thorough and fair as MIT's press release implies. Erdos used to speak of proofs from the Book. In person, he can be charming or obnoxious, vulnerable or stubborn, gracious or ill-mannered. It is rather creepy. Can't be done in academia or anywhere else in the public sector but can, and will be done, MORE SO, in business. #184 - Yes, some women may be oversensitive and some women may lie but they are not the majority. I am a physics professor at a small Canadian university. I think this is a big problem of our digital era - we don't own physical copies of these lectures, and so it's possible to "take them down". I'm an old crust who just dropped by. Only Dr. Lewin's edX material was removed, no one else's, so I don't see how that is taking edX material "hostage." Such as the way the school removed videos. A working wife must drop her paycheck and go to MIT instead. Certainly we would expect MIT to give some kind of warning to Mr. Lewin about continued bad behavior ON-LINE! It is considered a service. I am sad, shocked, and annoyed. rate, even with spectacularly good lecturers (e.g., Professor Walter Lewin), and a 10% or higher failure rate. He had a big advantage in having a lot of support (#292 is right on) and also in having lectures already in circulation before OCW/EdX came along. I have always considered MIT the best academical institute in the world, but obviously I have overestimated the staff.. And the tweets from the twitter pages of tshelsea and VeeNasrallah, in the same time frame, which are still there, and which just happen to interleave with what many of us saw on what we believe to have been Lewin's twitter feed, are also hacks and/or fabrications? I know we don't have all the facts, but you certainly have a good deal of imagination to assume a scenario in which MIT's action would be deemed appropriate and proportionate. Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of kids around the world learn physics from those videos. Suppose his offense was both grievous and egregious, the equivalent of raping and butchering a child, then eating the remains on a live video feed. Well I will be fighting so that these women get their cupcakes and 26 hours per day, because I care for women rights. 81, Walter is the jerk here. Was Lewin this bad? to #'s 160 and 161: I know Prof. Lewin well and the so-called tweets from "your memory and archives" are complete fabrications. The world is pretty rigged, but you can do quite well, so optimism is reasonable. This is what our thick skins are for. BTW, I love his videos too and it's sad they were removed. Second, there have been a range of educational innovations in teaching freshman physics at universities other than MIT over the last few decades that demonstrate that any pedagogy using “interactive- 60: "but would not leaving the material and access to Mr. Lewin available online appear to be dismissive of an apparently valid complaint of sexual harassment?". But too many narcissistic perspectives endanger its very spirit. #270: I understand the point you are making. But I wasnt confident enough to say lets start over you grope me again and Im reporting you. To you and many undergrads, Lewin life's work may be 8.01 and 8.02. As his work is still available elsewhere, I don't see MIT's decision as depriving anyone of his scientific genius. Folks, apply some logic to MIT's actions and the conclusion is that Lewin's alleged offenses took place over Twitter or email etc. MIT is cutting ties with retired professor Walter Lewin after determining that the physicist, whose lectures had made him a beloved teacher and minor Internet star, had sexually harassed at least one student online. What better time for resurrection of the crucified? #284 Sure, he probably went a little too far with an off-color online joke. We are sad. I don't know what Professor Lewin did or did not do and in. I beg to differ that "MIT is bigger than a sole issue". Acclaimed MIT professor Walter Lewin, helps us see the world through the eyes of physics. From a student with a MIT dream. well, we guys do get attracted to women, but why be "pushy" and that too at a ripe age of 78 !!! Be non-offensive to you through naive, sheltered women on twitter, and exams (! ) cum! 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