The unmistakably Canadian YouTube series turned critically-acclaimed sitcom Letterkenny is a show all it's own. In 1535, when French explorer Jacques Cartier was traveling with Indian youths, they used the word to describe Stadacona, a village where Quebec City is located today. 1. Even so, most of the Canadians will understand and speak English. This is not true in Canada. As I look through this list, I realize that a lot of these have to do with differences between Canadian and American food culture. This can be shocking to some, since in many cultures it is usual practice to say hello to even vaguely familiar people. If you think it’s hard dating where you live, trying doing it in Nunavut. Time matters. Again, this is not a sign of disrespect or rudeness. Are you ready? Expect straight talk. Whereas for breakfast, French usually eat bread or croissant. Author. In many countries, students are expected to simply listen and take notes. This can be overwhelming but you will quickly get used to it. What do you want to eat? Canadians are typically very busy people, moving from one activity to another throughout the day. First things first: when in Canada, you must strictly follow all the laws because Canadians are incredibly law-abiding people. If that doesn't work, try simple, improvised sign language or gestures. Time matters. Things You Should Know About Canadian Culture. Many Canadians take seriously and enjoy the stereotype that Canadians are supposed to be a … Don't take it as a sign of rudeness. Expect Canadians to be more talkative and outspoken in the classroom. Day … In addition, it is common for Canadians to use slang and cut words down in speech. 3. Things you should know about Canadian culture The first thing you explore before deciding to move is the country’s customs and culture. If your goal is to study in Canada, there are five very important things you need to understand about the Canadian culture before you travel. This may be a worry for you at first, but do the best you can and carry a dictionary or translating device with you until you feel confidant speaking in English. What do you want to do? Your message has been sent successfully! There are lots of things about their northern neighbor that Americans overlook, despite its proximity. Here are some top Canadian workplace etiquette tips to make the cultural transition just a little bit easier: Tips for Interviews Interviews may seem daunting whether you are home or trying to find a placement abroad, but when you are invited to interview for a position in Canada, there are some important things … Canadians are often described as the friendliest people on the planet. Canada’s naming origin The name Canada is from the Huron-Iroquois Indian word kanata, which means village or settlement. Canada is a vast country with significant cultural differences across its … You can tell a lot about a culture by its cuisine. Some of these questions are not acceptable in other countries. In many countries around the world, it is common to hear two or three languages spoken by government officials, schools, and common citizens. The business customs are similar to those in the UK and US, but etiquette is important. 2. Excessive body contact, gestures in greetings, and loud conversations are often frowned upon. You will make friends during these games. You will learn more about the rich history of Canada. International students are sometimes surprised with the 'straightforward' talk, questions and comments made by Canadians. While studying in Canada, you should expect to be greeted warmly by total strangers. Complete the form below, and we will However, the following are 10 more cultural norms generally observed in Canadian society. ** Make sure your checked luggage does not exceed 23 kg per bag if travelling with Air Canada, as penalties apply. Canadians like their space. Canadians are not asking these questions to make you feel uncomfortable; on the contrary, they are asking them because they want to get to know you better. 10. 3. Politeness is a massive part of Canadian culture and while you’re studying over there you can expect to be greeted warmly by everyone. 3. Canada has a parliamentary democracy and federal system. Another interesting fact about Canadian culture is sports. This makes up a big part of their culture. Not just playing sports, but watching and talking to others about it. Honesty is an important value to Canadians and it is common for them to give a straight answer and not speak around an issue or 'beat around the bush.' What to pack for life in Canada: suggested basic list. Casual dress and mannerisms. We Make Immigration Simple. Canadians usually dress in a casual manner with the exception of special parties, weddings and work related situations. Your reserve has been sent successfully! How is your homestay? Yes, that’s right, sports. It is more likely that your customs will be different from the ones in foreign countries. In Canada, laws are created and are expected to be followed by everyone. It is common for the people to smile at you as you walk on the street and ask you how your day is. It is obvious that some of the cultures and customs in foreign countries will be more different from the ones in your country. English is spoken in schools and business is conducted in English. Mon Nov 09 2020 13:36:25 GMT+0000 (UTC) Mon Nov 09 2020 13:36:25 GMT+0000 (UTC) Learn all about the Canadian culture - how to greet people, what languages Canadians use, religious rights, festivals and cultural attractions, and more. Please, 1 warm winter hat, scarf, and gloves or mittens, 2 pairs of blue jeans and 2 pairs of corduroy pants or other material such as cotton, 1 pair of running shoes, 1 pair of casual shoes, 1 pair of formal shoes, 1 pair of flip-flop sandals, 5 long-sleeved shirts and 5 short-sleeved t-shirts, 1 set of formal clothes for dressy events with family and friends; this may include a skirt or dress, or a nice jacket, Pictures of your family to share with people here and keep in your bedroom, A pouch or handbag for your passport and important documents. So, discussing a local team may very well be one of the topics to talk about with someone local. How much did you pay for that? It seems that in Canada, everyone has or wants a big car, a large house and lots of land or yard. It is illegal to drink alcohol or consume cannabis if you are below the age of majority, or take any illegal drugs at all. The most watched, talked about and played sport … English is spoken almost everywhere in Canada. The schools, developed under the Indian Act, separated children from families and were run by churches of different denominations. 8. Line up for the bus. Although Canadians love to learn about other cultures and languages, they may not be used to hearing different accents. Here are ten things you need to know about Ghanaian culture. … Canada has a total area of 9.9 million sq. Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Sport. As we know that all of French foods become popular all over the world, such as cheeses, wines, creepes, macarons, and more. That old rascal the confusing British English u remains in Canadian English words such as colour, valour and honour, and they call the last letter of the alphabet zed, just like the British. 5 Things to Know About Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 5 Things to Know About Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Six things you should know about Canada before making a trip ... you’re unlikely to experience culture shock visiting the country — but knowing a few things can make your trip go … and touches the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic oceans (which is why its motto, “from sea to sea” is quite appropriate), making it the … No matter if you are a student or permanent resident in Canada, you must know the rules that apply to you and follow them religiously. The most watched, talked about and played sport is ice hockey. Difficulty with an accent. Easing your way into the favour of a Canadian needs punctuality for meetings and appointments, using titles in all correspondence, and taking letters when meeting a colleague for the first time. Once in Canada, you may feel bombarded with questions: What do you want? March 21, 2017 As a new business in or immigrant to Canada, one of the things you’ll prepare for is adapting to the new culture or even “culture shock”. The pace of life in Canada is fast and Canadians value their time. 80% of the syrup in the world is produced by Canada. A smartphone is probably enough these days! As you search for a room for rent in North York, you should not be surprised to find people speaking around town or on campus. When moving to Canada, it is important to know what rights you have on arrival and throughout your stay. Canadians will typically respect your wishes and not push further. It is unsettling when even the best English speaking international students are asked repeatedly to explain what they mean and repeat themselves. Try nodding or smiling and it won't be long before the classmate you see in class or the library says hello back. One of the most important things you notice about Canadians is that, essentially, they're just like Australians: similar values, similar traditions, similar history, similar ideals. Generally if a question is asked, an honest, direct answer is best. Ten Things to Know About Canadian Culture 1. Global Business culture is a leading training provider in the fields of cross-cultural communication and global virtual team working. How are you classes? Have Thanksgiving in October. km. Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia) by land mass. So Americans think they know about Canada, eh? 1. These are what they value highly and underlie many of their behaviours. You may be startled the first time you're sitting in a Canadian classroom and a student, not the teacher, addresses the class. This means you should arrive at the given time exactly, or even a few minutes early. Canada’s total area measures a total of 9.984 million square kilometers, making it the second-largest country worldwide.. Inuit have a great sense of humour and a unique one. This country-specific business culture profile was written by Keith Warburton who is the founder of the cultural awareness training consultancy Global Business Culture.. Canadians will ask questions. Many Canadians speak French, as Canada is a bilingual country, but most Canadians will expect to communicate with you in English. The Canadian education system values 'critical thinking,' and teachers will often ask students for their opinion on an issue. Day planners and agendas schedule their days. Also, make sure to carry some identification with you, like a student card, so in the worst case scenario, you will have a connection you can draw on to help ease communication. It celebrates the day that Canada came into existence. Being on time is important, whether you are meeting a friend for coffee, or arriving to a class. You may notice that Canadians stand a few feet away from each other. You probably already know that Canadians are described as the friendliest people you will find in the world. This may be shocking if you are from a country where dress and language is formal. Our managers will contact you shortly! It is a Constitutional Monarchy meaning that Queen Elizabeth is the head of state, although her powers are limited in government and she is considered a figurehead only. Laws are laws. Having an idea of these will help you have a deeper understanding of Canadians and guide you in your own cultural immersion. It is common for a Canadian to pass by the same person every day on the way to class or downtown and not say hello. Throughout Canada's history, its culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, mostly by the British and French, and by its own indigenous cultures. One of these two languages might be more dominant depending on the area you choose to study. 7. Our managers will contact you shortly! And they really do live up to their reputation. In fact, there is a lot more to say about the Canadian cultural uniqueness, its pe… Canadians also put the British double L in travelled and unravelled, but the British s in realise is a z, just like in America. RELATED: 10 Best Canadian TV Shows On Netflix USA Here are ten things fans didn't know about the smash hit … The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights to everyone in the country, from the policies and actions of … Once you read this article, you will have a clear picture of what Canada is about and how you will get along with people here. Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Culture is the norms, artifacts, behaviours, values and attitudes that a group shares - that group could include a country, region, club/association or a company. Feel free to contact us at if you continue to experience technical difficulties. Please enable JavaScript to access 9. Business people in Canada are conservative in all manners, speech, and dress. RELATED: Idris Elba and 4 More of the World’s Most Influential Ghanaians. As you might have heard, hockey is extremely popular in Canada. Only Russia has a larger land area in the world. Here are the essential things you must know about Canadian culture: Following the Laws. They’re seasonal daters. US business colleagues need to realize that Canadians ar… In a discussion class, students are encouraged to talk and are usually graded on 'class participation.' There are two main languages that are spoken in Canada: these are English and French. The pace of life in Canada is fast and Canadians value their time. get back to you right away. How do you feel? It is common to see a high school student in denim jeans, baseball hats, athletic shoes and a t-shirt. Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Don’t be that mean student that is unwilling to appreciate new cultures. Canada Day is celebrated on the 1st of July. 5. This is the national day of Canada. In some cultures it is acceptable to stand closer or lean in towards the person when talking, but when you are in a conversation with a Canadian, give them their personal space. To be honest it wasn’t something I’d given much thought to until my recent Arctic Adventure. It is a great experience to study in Canada. The most taboo subjects of conversation in Canada are politics, religion, and sex. Require more information? A two-four is a 24 pack of beer A mickey is a small bottle of liquor, usually 13 ounces (375 millilitres). Yes, Canadians are polite, and we like hockey, but we also have a rich culture to draw from — whether it's about nostalgia or about looking forward to Canada's future in a swiftly changing world. This is a day you should participate in. Canadian Indian residential school system In the 19th century, the Canadian Indian residential school system was created to force the assimilation of First Nations into the European-Canadian culture. 6. As you get ready to study in Canada, you should make the effort to get acquainted with the Canadian hockey teams. How much do you know about Inuit culture? However, when addressing a teacher or other adult, it is always best to address them properly and use a more formal approach. All international students are subject to Canadian laws and not knowing a law is not an excuse to break it. Sports are loved in Canada. 1. Don’t be surprised if a total stranger starts making general chit-chat with you in a public place such as a restaurant or shop. It is safe to say that once you get to Canada, you will have to try the Canadian syrup. 4. Canada basically follows standard western cultural traditions in regards to things like greetings, rude gestures, and gift-giving. To have the best time, you should immerse yourself in the Canadian culture. The lectures will be in English so you don’t need to worry if you are not fluent in French. Food. With its rapid-fire wit, unique sense of humor, and an entirely lovable cast of characters, Letterkenny exploded onto the scene to become one of Canada's most beloved shows. Try speaking slowly and repeat the question again using different words. Facts about French Culture 1: French Food. Don't give up or get upset when you ask a question and a Canadian responds with "what?" You will hear the expression that you are expected "on time." Canadians are used to personal space, too, and become uncomfortable when that personal space is breached. Meat, cheeses, and vegetables are the French main dishes. Here are 9 Things That You Probably Don’t Know About Inuit Culture: 1. In Canada, this is called a lecture. A twenty-Sixer or twixer is a bottle of alcohol-containing 750 millilitres (just over 25 ounces). Politeness is the first thing you will notice in Canada. Canadians will expect you to know English. You already have noticed the maple leaf on the Canadian flag. You need to be polite to the locals too. Going to the games is one of the best ways to integrate into the Canadian culture. On the second Monday in October, most Canadians devour a meal of turkey with all the trimmings, followed by pumpkin ... 2. Primary dating season for Canadians occurs between the months of October – May (Eager daters start scouting their options in September). Canadian culture is all about doughnuts and they have to be Tim Horton’s. Sports are loved in Canada. It's time to discover if you're a true Canadian who's curious about everything the … You may be startled the first time you're... 2. The activities on this day include parades and various events across the country. Winter lovers are not just a bonus in Canada, they’re a key component of keeping our heating bills down. They aren't trying to be rude. From "loonies" and "toonies" to spelling and vocabulary differences to the incredible amount of maple syrup the country produces, find out what makes Canada, well, Canada. It takes time to get used to them. Syrup is the staple of the Canadian culture. The only exception to this rule is an informal gathering or party. If you would rather not answer a question, it is acceptable to change the conversation subject or simply say that you are not comfortable answering the question. 2. The culture of Canada embodies the artistic, culinary, literary, humour, musical, political and social elements that are representative of Canada and Canadians. Expect Canadians to be more talkative and outspoken in the classroom. Things You Should Know About Canadian Culture Polite nature. Celebrate Canadian culture with these 10 things Canadians do. This is a public holiday so people get day offs on this date. Long before you apply for a study permit or find the best Seneca residence, the first thing you need to know before you start studying in Canada or any other country is the country’s customs and culture. Familiarize yourself with Canadian law and to see how our laws differ from your country before you arrive in Canada. Over 25 ounces ) how your day is or croissant occurs between the months of October – may ( daters! Be that mean student that is unwilling to appreciate new cultures which means or... To try the Canadian education system values 'critical thinking, ' and teachers will often ask for! Excuse to break it 'class participation. two main languages that are spoken in schools and business is in! Dating where you live, trying doing it in Nunavut asked repeatedly to explain what value! In other countries the founder of the Canadians will understand and speak English critically-acclaimed sitcom Letterkenny a! 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