I can't imagine many powerlifter excluding the elite of the elite pulling heavier at that bodyweight. Im pushing and training my bollox off to hit, 160kg bench, 240kg deadlift, 200kg squat, I would love to hit those numbers! Difficulties. After practicing it for a month or so I learned that a wide stance was more efficient for my body. Sumo deadlift. So, stuck at 405 Sumo. None of these moves felt 'natural', and it was when I hit a sweet spot as far as balance and power off of the floor that I stopped and trained that spot. Ik zit op stronglifts, bij het deadliften heb ik het probleem dat ik mijn rug moet bollen om tot aan de grond te komen en dat werkt niet lekker ( heb scheve knieën en ben nogal stijf). Adjusted my stance, figured out how to brace my lats properly, started increasing my back work and doing variations of the deadlift to strengthen the areas where I was weak. The sumo deadlift does not as you are supposed to be almost upright. Jeff Halevy. Sumo uses alot more legs while conventional is more back to me. I would have actually looked at examining my form more closely and got feedback from someone constantly. The deadlift stimulates so many muscles that it’s nearly a complete all-in-one movement with the exception of the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Deadlfts are stupid. As a very tall teenager, sumo deadlifts really help me. Pausing just after breaking the floor if you're going to do paused. Learn how to correctly do Sumo Deadlift to target Quads, Glutes, Spinal Erectors, Traps with easy step-by-step expert video instruction. 0:00 . Deadlifts build mass like no other… and strength? … Occasional mat pulls to feel heavier weight. Wide feet and a narrow grip result in a shorter vertical range of motion for the lift and less movement around the hip and knee joints. I have seen several lifters talking about how they vary sumo and conventional for fatigue maintenance and to get used to working with heavier weights. Shouldn't be there with the reg dead. It's not so much about height as it is about your proportions. Using a sumo deadlift stance and grip, stand until the barbell gets to mid/upper thigh height. When I'm consistently stretching/rolling my glute med/piriformis/TFL, my hips stay happy and my sumo pull feels good. I guess so. In fact, it’s a better option than the conventional deadlift for many who have yet to experience it. I'm 6'3 with long legs and small torso. Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift ; Staggered Deadlift ; Single-leg Deadlift; Suitcase Deadlift; How To Deadlift- Techniques. The sumo deadlift is an effective ultimate lower body exercise and the benefits go much further than just building big legs and a strong back. Outside of technique, I think everyone's eventually found that being all-around good at picking things up helps. Sure. on a Saturday morning. Running hyper specific programming for sumo (sheiko and mag/ort for two examples) just causes me to spin my wheels and make my hips cry. But he had to stress the fact that when he did the 700 in training, this is decades ago, he used 'one of them overhead lifting belts' but it was turned around so the buckle was in the back, and he used 'a little stickum' on the bar 'cause it didn't have any knurling. And less range of motion means less total work done by the muscles. So there it is. The difference between the two lies in the setup of the lifter's feet and hands. No way. Click to share on Reddit ... As the name implies, the sumo deadlift forces lifters to assume a wide stance bringing them closer to the ground and allowing them to keep their torso up taller. This stance width allowed me to go from 555lbs to 635lbs within a year or so. Had some B.C. Sort by. In general my lockout is just weak compared to my speed off the floor. That's a rare quality! In tegenstelling tot de conventionele deadlift, zorgt de Sumo deadlift voor minder spanning op de spieren in de onderrug. Todays topic of discussion: Sumo Deadlift. Geplaatst door Kjell Aink op aug 31, 2016. It’s a classic test of strength, a great way to build your posterior chain, and just a badass exercise that is hugely rewarding too. We'll be recycling topics from the first half of the year going forward. I couldn't break the bar off the floor in a sumo past a certain weight. I did fairly low reps with ~70% of my conventional max (515lbs) for 8-10 sets. This strange dude commences to take the same and do a ONE ARM ZERCHER LIFT with it. I got into it for a bit too and smashed my conventional PRs pretty rapidly doing what I thought were "sumo" deadlifts. This helped me focus on the new technique queues I tried to implement. The benefit is reduced ROM in exchange for a somewhat harder lockout in my experience. They're scarier, and I like that feeling. . You have a really nice, vertical starting position. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Really amazing how much this helps. I only switched to sumo to get a feel for it. Real basic thing, but it worked for me. De sumo deadlift is een variant op de tradionele conventional deadlift. Some guy he'd never seen before came in and got outfitted in some of that weird old style strongman gear. Also foot placement helped drastically. Loved that guy and his approach to lifting! Even though my body isn't suited to Sumo. . 0. I mean you said. Lots of extra rows and pullups really helped me get the back necessary to explode up. However, for heavy work, just skipping the first ~3 inches of the ROM allowed me to go heavy pretty frequently with happy hips, and lighter pulls to knee height kept my bottom-end improving as well. P.S. For whatever reason, sumo deadlifts have become extremely popular. Recently I went from 610 to 645 while cutting 12 lbs of bodyweight. Hope that helps. Farmer walks, trap bar deadlifts, lever squats, SSB squats, and lots and lots of double kettlebell swings are some of my main movements. Getting it off the floor was my problem too, but for me the issue was my quads that weren't pulling (or pushing in this case) their weight. In the standard sumo deadlift, the lifter stands in a wide stance on the barbell with their feet almost touching the edges of the plate.However, In the semi sumo deadlift, the lifter will take a noticeably narrower stance on the barbell. It was at this time that I developed an uncontrollable rambling typing style, and also started talking with an old vet of the iron wars, Soldier! My deadlift has always been a struggle. I'm fairly genetically gifted on deadlift leverages but overall it still seems to me that it's a lift that responds well to the mental component of obsession and the number of freaky deadlifters that keep popping up seems to indicate that as well. No matter, he also recommended doing very heavy, wide stance partial (close to half) squats in the rack from the bottom up, trying to approximate my Sumo stance at the beginning of the lift where I had issues. best. What did you do to get to that kind of position? Still absolutely cannot break the bar off the ground. Qualifications: 600 w/ straps at 198ish, I think only 575 being my best without. Went to Sumo and worked up to the same 405 and got stuck again, but Sumo felt like it wouldn't be as, what's the word real men don't use when they lift heavy things they don't have any real reason for lifting . However I'm 6'2 and conventional feels natural for me. Psychologically intimidating because I had repeatedly screwed my back when younger doing reg deadlifts. Having said that, I also would've done more squatting especially with the SSB to build overall strength instead of being a deadlifty dipshit. Would you care to share your general mobility routine? That guy who could lift 350 like that. This increases quadriceps, adductor, and adductor activation and allows for a more upright torso, taking stress off the lumbar spine. That was it. . http://www.strengthandconditioningresearch.com/2012/12/03/muscle-activation-in-deadlifts/, That's not quite what the article says, especially on regards to glute/lower back, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Old timer, eh. I'd recommend choosing the one that your body proportions favor. Fellow T-Rex here. Share Tweet Flip. Bummer. Also, because we spend 10 hours a day sitting in chairs or couches. no comments yet. For me, that's Sumo as well (6'5, not very long arms). However, the difference in range of motion doesn’t really matter. He recommended lifting like a man, but if I was insistent on continuing with Sumo deads he'd try to help. . save. He goes to two arms, wraps them with some towels. I guess I might just switch to sumo. Have been pulling conventional for a year plus. I moved each foot about an inch a week. Shares. Works for me because I have an abnormally long torso (sitting down I'm about as tall as most guys around 6'2", 6'3" or so) but short arms. Switched to sumo, didn't have that problem anymore. Once a fool, always . This dance goes on all the way up to 350 where the guy doesn't quite make it to a full standing position, but puts the bar back down like it was a crate of eggs. Heavy lifting does indeed lead to early onset dementia. Just keep your back as straight as possible and use supports if needed, like sitting on a small bench or grabbing a pole, if you feel unconfortable in that position. If you want to focus even more on increasing your pulling strength, then this lift can be done from a deficit as well. Sumo deadlift high pull movement pattern. Some lifters find they can lift more weight doing sumo deadlifts than conventional deadlifts. I gotta say Sumo doesn't work for me. So be sure to utilize both styles of the deadlift in your back routine. A sumo deadlift is any deadlift in which the feet are set wider than the conventional deadlift, allowing a narrow grip, hands placed inside of the legs and feet. Als ik deze echter doe is mn onderrug een te beperkende factor (ik doe de deadlift op mn benendag voor hamstrings en kont). . Lowered just enough to remove tension and not be touch and go while still keeping the position it puts you in. November 14, 2016 . I'd say im average height (5'8) and ever since i switched over to sumo i've been able to pull alot more. It activates my quads more and reduces the ROM a bit. Go figure, eh. Store it, channel it, wait. Nice lift, eh. For this reason, a lot of powerlifters do sumo. Het […] I'm not sure if anybody else had the same problem when switching over but my cues were different enough in both lifts that I basically had to relearn how to pull the slack out of the bar and brace. I'm 5'7 and prefer sumo. This was obviously unsustainable and further jumps have required calming the fuck down and obsessing over starting position. If you're a beginner, or fairly low intermediate, these threads are meant to be more of a guide for later reference. Is there anything you particular you changed to break the 800? As a matter of fact, many forward-thinking therapists use the sumo deadlift and variations to rehab their patients from a back injury. We go any further, you will notice an immediate strength gain build Confidence,. This makes it extremely hard for me to get a good grip on the bar in the conventional DL stance without dropping my hips down so low that I'm practically in the stance of an ass-to-grass squat. Anyhows, he rambled, a regular 450 dead is something I should be able to do with a little more lack of work on it. 0 comments. Two months later, that's nothing but four sessions, I pulled 455 without too much of a problem. So if you're looking to pull heavy weight - use Sumo. Intensity never seems to help my deadlift. I spent two hours in the gym on Saturday videoing myself pulling singles and fixing my start position bit by bit. Grizzled, cantankerous cancer survivor. Looking back, what would you have done differently? . The extensive stance inside the sumo deadlift transfers loading […] Deadlifts are one hell of a movement which means you should be doing them if you’re not already. Finish the movement by flexing the elbows, pulling the … Is that me you mean? Looks like we’re going to have a White Christmas after all here in MN ☃️ ️Sumo Deadlifts: 3×6 @ 225kg/496lbs after a top single ️BB Hip Thrust: 3×10 ️Wide Grip Cable Lat Pulldown: 3×15 ️Chest Supported DB Row: 3×15. What accessories specifically do you feel helped move your deadlift most. The sumo deadlift is an exercise becoming increasingly popular in the strength and conditioning environment, both for improving physical performance and as a potential rehabilitation tool. We will be covering a variety of topics that covers all of the strength and physique sports, as well as a few additional topics. scary, that's it. What did you do to break the plateau? I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's an incredible deadlift at your bodyweight!! It seems like shorter people do conventional and taller do sumo. This led to all sorts of issues with rounding my lower back at heavier weights. The coan-phillipi program that you can find here is what I've used. Ah crap, the other thing - not using straps until I really had to when working up the deadlift sets.". Pretty cool, eh. Sumo deadlifts involve using a wider-than shoulder-width stance with your arms inside your legs. Any thoughts on a good deadlift goal in terms of BW%? It seems like shorter people do conventional and taller do sumo. He actually advised me to just do those, to a grinding single or a fail, once every two weeks and no other deadlifting or heavy back stuff. The real question is what benefits don’t they offer? There's really only one thing I've noticed that absolutely does not help my sumo deadlift : frequently pulling sumo. But my hips are bit too tight and I can't really open them up to maintain good form. De Sumo deadlift is een variatie van de conventionele deadlift waarbij de grip op de barbell nauwer is dan de positie van je benen. Any suggestions? I personally feel much more comfortable with the sumo, though I can lift the same amount of weight with the conventional. Key Points: Your hip structure will impact your strength and comfort in the conventional and sumo deadlift much more than factors like height and limb lengths. Sumo deadlifts activate the quads more so your lower back doesn't get quite the same workload as with standard dead form. That means training conventional most of the time for me, doing lots of rows, heavy farmers walks, beltless deads. Same old guy told me, this is when he was 74, that he could probably reg dead 400 any time in street clothes (not a snappy dresser) with no more than two warmup sets. The Sumo deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift often adopted by powerlifters.. It's in finnish but you get the idea by just watching it. The sumo deadlift is a legit deadlift variation. A conventional Deadlift works the spinal erectors - two columns going down each side of the spine. share. Fill your belly with air, sit *backwards* towards the wall behind you, and grab the bar with an alternating grip that is roughly shoulder width apart. Granted, this is not powerlifting standards, but I'm mainly a hobby deadlifter at this point. Edit: growing a beard has also helped. And after all that crap, it turns out my post wasn't deleted: "Wide stance half squat from the bottom position. You also need to be aware of the vastly different biomechanics of each lift, which affects the target muscles. Just so happens that the two are commonly related to height. Ideally, do both. High bar and front squats seemed to mostly fix that. Sumo uses alot more legs while conventional is more back to me favorite for. Some towels he takes 135 as per the usual norm and does 3 easy ones close the. This to fully engage them deadlifting recommended lifting like a handheld hip lift something... Up to maintain good form: frequently pulling sumo about 4 months and. 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